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Directeur EFG

Se former dans une institution professionnelle a toujours été un choix à la fois excitant et important pour l'éducation et la carrière future de tout individu. L'Ecole de Faune de Garoua (EFG) dont les locaux couvrent une superficie de 24 ha, offre cette opportunité aux étudiants des deux sexes, de tous les horizons, qui s'intéressent ou qui désirent travailler dans le domaine de la conservation et de la gestion de la faune et des aires protégées.

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How to Enable Cookies

Internet Explorer

Version 6.x

  1. Click Tools on the menu at the top of your browser and select Internet Options
  2. Click the Privacy tab at the top of the screen
  3. Move the slider to Medium and click OK

Version 5.x

  1. Click Tools on the menu at the top of your browser and select Internet Options
  2. Click the Security tab at the top of the screen
  3. Click Custom Level and scroll down to the Cookies section
  4. Set "Allow per-session cookies" to Enable and click OK

Version 4.x

  1. Click View on the menu at the top of your browser and select Internet Options
  2. Click the Security tab at the top of the screen
  3. Click Custom Level and scroll down to the Cookies section
  4. Select "Always accept cookies" or "Prompt before accepting cookies" and click OK


Version 1.x

  1. Click Edit on the menu at the top of your browser and select Preferences
  2. Find "Privacy & Security" in the menu on the left. If there is a [+] to the left of "Privacy & Security", click it.
  3. Select "Cookies".
  4. Select "Enable cookies for the originating web site only" or "Enable all cookies" and click "OK"


  1. Press F12
  2. Click "Enable cookies"

Netscape Navigator

Version 6.x

  1. Click Edit on the menu at the top of your browser and select Preferences
  2. Find "Privacy & Security" in the menu on the left. If there is a triangle pointing to the right next to Privacy & Security, click it.
  3. Select "Cookies" under "Privacy & Security"
  4. Select "Enable cookies for the originating web site only" or "Enable all cookies" and click "OK"

Version 4.x

  1. Click Edit on the menu at the top of your browser and select Preferences
  2. Select "Advanced"
  3. Select "Accept all cookies" or "Accept only cookies that get sent back to the originating server" and click OK

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Copyright Ecole de Faune de Garoua 2006-2009, conception par Dreamreal - Dream is good but reality is better